21 Aug Cara Engle – 2016-08-21 20:54:02
Hello! I have been looking on your website for prices of dresses, and I am unable to find any information on that. I love the dress that is under “Katie’s Dress” and have actually been looking at something very similar to this exact dress! Would you be able to tell me how much that dress would cost to be made? Thank you! ?
AUTHOR: Cara Engle
AUTHOR EMAIL: bride.2017@yahoo.com
SUBJECT: [] Contact
[1_Name] => Cara Engle
[2_Email] => bride.2017@yahoo.com
[3_Wedding or Event Date] => 08/12/2017
[4_I am interested in a] => Custom Wedding Gown
[5_New Field] =>
[6_Please let me know what specifics you are looking for in a custom design.] => Hello! I have been looking on your website for prices of dresses, and I am unable to find any information on that. I love the dress that is under “Katie’s Dress” and have actually been looking at something very similar to this exact dress! Would you be able to tell me how much that dress would cost to be made? Thank you! ?
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