29 Apr Audrey McGee – 2014-04-29 15:53:13
I would like to talk to you personally to see if you could make a specific style dress. And check if you thought you could get fabric and a rough estimate of the cost. My cell is 801-318-3636
AUTHOR: Audrey McGee
AUTHOR EMAIL: hmaudrey20@yahoo.com
SUBJECT: [] Contact
[Name] => Audrey McGee
[Email] => hmaudrey20@yahoo.com
[Wedding or Event Date] => October 10
[I am interested in a] => Custom Wedding Gown
[New Field] =>
[Please let me know what specifics you are looking for in a custom design.] => I would like to talk to you personally to see if you could make a specific style dress. And check if you thought you could get fabric and a rough estimate of the cost. My cell is 801-318-3636
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